Bejy Config

  BEJY configuration

Bejy's config file uses a XML syntax to describe the configuration. The configuration data for a module is defined by the module. So if someone creates a new module, he also defines the needed configuration for that module, which integrates seamless into BEJY's config file. The base module, which starts the servers, requires a server tag for each server. Each server must have a protocol which may contain further information.

Since version 1.2.x.y BEJY is deployed with a small admin page. All configuration SHOULD be done using this admin page.
To open the admin page use http://localhost:8081/admin/ with username "admin" and an empty password. The first page you see looks like this.
You see a tree of all configured elements. The XML file contains the same nested entries.


This is the configuration of the main node of BEJY:
creates a new dns, dynamic name search
creates a new user group, to maintain users and their passwords
creates a new mail config, mail configuration
creates a new tcp/ip server, which uses a configurable protocol implementation

  • dns
    A DNS entry is needed if you run a mail server. You may only add one DNS entry. The DNS entry is responsible for all DNS lookups in BEJY.
  • user group
    A user group is a collection of user nodes. You may create as many groups as you like.
  • mail config
    The mail config contains the settings to use BEJY as mail server. You also have to configure the tco/ip servers.
  • tcp/ip server
    A tcp/ip server defines a server which listens on one defined TCP/IP port and uses its configured protocol.
  • global
    This item shows only up if there is no global node.
  • mime types
    This item shows only up if there is no mime types node. A mime types node is a collection of mime type nodes. This node is applied to all HTTP servers.


This is the configuration of the dns node:
server domain name or ip address of the used DNS server

  • server
    You MUST define a valid DNS server IP address or domain name. We recommend to have a local DNS service running. In this case you would enter ""

  user group

Configure a user group:
class a class implementing this configurable
name group name

creates a new user, with some password

  • class
    You MUST choose a valid class name. The combo box lists all found implementations.
  • name
    The name is used to reference this user group. If you used duplicte names, the last found user group with the same name is referenced.
  • apply changes
    applies the displayed settings to the running server
  • \/
    makes the current element the last element of the same type.
  • remove this element
    removes this element from current configuration
  • new user
    adds a new user to the group


Configure a user
name name of the user
password the password

  • name
    This is the users name. If the name is used twice, the last found user with this name is used.
  • password
    set the password for the user. Enter it twice.
  • apply changes
    applies the displayed settings to the running server
  • \/
    makes the current element the last element of the same type.
  • remove this element
    removes this element from current configuration


Configure global settings
javac command line of the java compiler executable
logFile the default log file, use * for stdout

  • javac
    I you run JSPs you MUST configure the Java commandline compiler.
  • logFile
    Base name of the logFile. Use * to write to stdout.
  • apply changes
    applies the displayed settings to the running server

  mime types

Configure the mime types.
creates a new mime type, which assigns the content type to a file extension

  mime type

Configure a single mime type.
extension file extension
type the associated mime-type

  • extension
    This is the name of the file extension. If there are duplicate extensions, the last found is used.
  • type
    defines the mime type for this file extension.
  • apply changes
    applies the displayed settings to the running server
  • \/
    makes the current element the last element of the same type.
  • remove this element
    removes this element from current configuration

  tcp/ip server

Configure a TCP/IP server.
bindAddr a specific address to bind to (e.g., empty =
maxThreads limits the maximal thread count handling this servers requests
maxWait limits the maximal inactive threads (recommended: count of CPUs)
name a verbose name for this server
port the port number to listen on
timeout (ms) limits the maximal waiting time with blocking methods (e.g. read())

creates a new tcp/ip protocol, a protocol implementation
creates a new ssl, to specify the key file, its password and a certificate file to enable SSL

  • bindAddr
    If specified the server binds only to this IP address.
  • maxThread
    Limits the number of maximal active threads for this server to the specified number.
  • maxWait
    Limits the number of maximal inactive threads for this server to the specified number.
  • name
    defines the display name in the admin page.
  • port
    Defines the TCP/IP port to listen on
  • timeout
    Sets a timeout for read/write operations until a connection is closed. The value is in milli seconds.
  • tcp/ip protocol
    You MUST add a protocol to make the server work.
  • ssl
    You MAY add ssl settings to enable SSL for this server.
  • apply changes
    applies the displayed settings to the running server
  • \/
    makes the current element the last element of the same type.
  • remove this element
    removes this element from current configuration

  tcp/ip protocol

Configure a TCP/IP protocol.
class a class implementing this configurable

  • class
    You MUST select one of the available protocols. Further settings depend on the protocol. Have look into how to HTTP and how to mail.
  • apply changes
    applies the displayed settings to the running server

(c) by Stefan Bebbo Franke in 2000-2003, all rights reserved