BEJY Messageboard > Bug Reports and Fixes > Possible SMTP ping-pong when auto response is enabled
Possible SMTP ping-pong when auto response is enabled
Olaf Willuhn's avatar Olaf Willuhn
Posts: 2
14.Mar.2006 10.29.16 TZ+01:00
how to reproduce:

1) configure an auto response (absense notification)
for a mail account in bejy

2) spammer sends a mail to this account with invalid
sender address (user part invalid, domain valid)

3) bejy sends sends an auto response to the wrong sender

4) bounces this mail as
undeliverable back to bejy

5) bejy sends the next auto response for the bounced mail

6) back to 4)

Possible solutions:

- bejy should count the sent auto responses per sender
- auto responses should not be sent if sender is postmaster
- ...
Posts: 18
14.Mar.2006 17.13.46 TZ+01:00

 - bejy should count the sent auto responses per sender

I guess this would require to much state information.

 - auto responses should not be sent if sender is postmaster

Could be easily implemented.

  spammer sends a mail to this account with invalid
sender address (user part invalid, domain valid)

Preferred solution is to enable the "validateSender" option, to avoid incoming mails from invalid mail accounts.

... more soon...
