How to mail

  BEJY mail setup

To configure a mail server, there you have to do some basic configuration.

To make the server act as an POP3 server select the protocol
To make the server act as an SMTP server select the protocol
To make the server act as an IMAP server select the protocol

  mail database

  MSSQL setup

  1. Login into the database as system user
  2. Create a mail database:
    sqlprompt> create database mail;
  3. Create a login for the mail server on your SQL server:
    sqlprompt> sp_addlogin 'bejy', 'secret', 'mail';
  4. Switch to database:
    sqlprompt> use mail;
  5. Create a user for the mail server on your SQL server:
    sqlprompt> sp_adduser 'bejy', 'bejy';
  6. Execute the provided create script, to create all needed tables: use the file 'create_mssql.sql'
  7. Grant access to all tables to the new created user:
    sqlprompt> grant all on mail_user to bejy;
    sqlprompt> grant all on domain to bejy;
    sqlprompt> ...
    sqlprompt> grant all on forward to bejy;

  MySQL setup

  1. Login into the database as system user
  2. Create a mail database:
    sqlprompt> create database mail;
  3. Create a login for the mail server on your SQL server:
    sqlprompt> grant usage on mail.* to bejy@bejyhost;
  4. : Grant access to the new created user:
    sqlprompt> grant all on mail.* to bejy@bejyhost identified by 'secret';
  5. Update internal stuff:
    sqlprompt> flush privileges;
  6. Login into database as bejy (using the 'secret' as password).
  7. Execute the provided create script, to create all needed tables: use the file 'create_mysql.sql'

  JDBC driver

Add the JDBC driver archive to the classpath. Now you can select it in the mail config

  mail config

Configure the mail settings
intervallSwitch the count of delivery retries until intervall switches and a 2nd mail notification is sent
jdbcDriver class name of the JDBC driver implementation
jdbcUrl the JDBC url to establish the database connection
longIntervall the time intervall used between delivery retries after intervall switch
mailDbi class name of the user mail database implementation
mailFolder path to the mail folder
mainDomain class name of the user mail database implementation
maxRetries the max count of delivery retries
shortIntervall the time intervall in minutes used between delivery retries before intervall switch

  • intervallSwitch
    the count of delivery retries until intervall switches from the shortIntervall to the longIntervall and a 2nd mail notification is sent
  • jdbcDriver
    class name of the JDBC driver implementation, if non is listed check your class path!
  • jdbcUrl
    the database specific JDBC url, w.g. jdbc:mysql://localhost/mail?user=bejy&password=secret
  • longIntervall
    the long intervall between resend tries in minutes
  • mailDbi
    class name of the database implementation, e.g. if you use mysql
  • mailFolder
    the folder where the mail files are stored. The folder is maintained by BEJY. If you put foreign files into this folder, expect that those files get deleted!
  • mainDomain
    This is the default domain name of your mail server
  • maxRetries
    limit the retries to deliver a mail
  • shortIntervall
    the short intervall between resend tries in minutes

  • apply changes
    applies the displayed settings to the running server

  adding mail user

  1. Ensure that the domain is listed in the table 'domain'. If not, add the domain to the table and specify the mail user who owns that domain:
    allsqlprompt> insert into domain (domain, owner) values ('', 'pete');
  2. Add the mail user to the mail table:
    MSSQLsqlprompt> insert into mail_user (name, domain, passwd) values('pete', '', 'petespassword');
    MySQLsqlprompt> insert into mail_user (name, domain, passwd) values('pete', '', password('petespassword'));

(c) by Stefan Bebbo Franke in 2000-2003, all rights reserved