About |
The HTTP protocol is implemented conforming to RFC2616. The implementation of the protocol itself is an implementation of the servlet 2.3 API. Thus you can run servlets, JSP files and complete webapps (packed or unpacked) on this server. The existing handlers (file handler, JSP handler, CGI handler, ...) are nothing more than servlets. A JSP engine is also build in, also implemented as a servlet. The provided JSP compiler (JspCC) can also be invoked from the command line, which can improve your development speed. The current version supports the complete set of JSP1.2 functionality, including user tags (but not those useless applet tags - use html code instead). Send bug reports or feature requests to BEJY.ORG. |
known issues |
Extended VariableInfos are not yet used. |
<group> | a user group for contexts |
<bejy> ... <group name="goodguys" userGroupDbi="de.bb.bejy.ConfigGroup" > ... </bejy> | |
name="..." | name of this group |
userGroupDbi="..." | classname for an usergroup implementation (e.g. de.bb.bejy.http.IniUserGroup) |
<user> | a user in this group |
<bejy> ... <group name="goodguys"> <user name="fred" password="cantread" /> <user name="alf" password="secret" /> ... </group> ... </bejy> | |
name="..." | name of the user |
password="..." | password of the user |
<mime-types> | mime types for HTTP |
<bejy> ... <mime-types> <mime-type name="*.gif" value="image/gif" /> ... </mime-types> ... </bejy> | |
<mime-type> | a mime type |
name="..." | name of the mime type |
value="..." | value of the mime type |
<http> | HTTP configuration |
<bejy> ... <server name="http" ... > ... </server> ... <http> <host name="www.foo.com" > <context contextPath="/restricted" path="/htdocs/restricted" group="toughguys" realm="Secret Area" > <handler class="de.bb.bejy.http.CgiHandler" mask="*.pl" default="index.pl" > <parameter p1="value1" /> </handler> <handler class="de.bb.bejy.http.ServletHandler" mask="*.cgi" servlet="MyTestServlet" > <parameter p1="value1" p2="value2" /> </handler> <handler class="de.bb.bejy.http.Servlet" mask="*.jsp" servlet="de.bb.jsp.JspServlet" > <parameter compiler="/usr/lib/java/bin/javac" /> </handler> </context> <context contextPath="/" path="/htdocs/www.foo.com/" > <handler class="de.bb.bejy.http.FileHandler" mask="*" default="index.html" /> </context> </host> </http> ... </bejy> | |
<host> | host to listen for |
name="..." | the used hostname(s), you can add more than one hostname, e.g. "localhost," |
<context> | a context in this host |
contextPath="..." | contextpath of this context (in url) |
path="..." | file path of this context |
group="..." | used group in this context |
realm="..." | used realm name for this context |
<handler> | handlers in this context |
class="..." | classname of this handler |
mask="..." | mask used to match requests |
default="..." | default file name (in file handler only) |
servlet="..." | classname of servlet implementation (in servlet handler only) |
<parameter> | parameter for this handler |
parametername="..." | parametername and value pair (e.g. compiler="/usr/lib/java/bin/javac" in JspHandler) |
using JspCC from the command line |
Invoke the JspCC using this command line (fix tha path to the libs)java -cp /java/lib/bb_util.jar;/java/lib/servlet2_3.jar;/java/lib/bb_jsp.jar de.bb.jsp.JspCCThe response will be de.bb.jsp.JspCC $Revision: $ usage: Jsp [-b<basePath>] [-o<javaName>] [-d<outDir>] <inFile> basePath: root directory for absolute includes/forwards javaName: name of the generated java class (without extension) outDir: destination directory for java source file inFile: name of the JSP file (without extension)An example: java -cp /java/lib/bb_util.jar;/java/lib/servlet2_3.jar;/java/lib/bb_jsp.jar de.bb.jsp.JspCC -i\jsp\project\404 -b\jsp -ox404 -d\tempThe file '\jsp\project\404.jsp' is compiled, output is named 'x404.java' and put into the directory 'temp'. Absolut includes are taken from \jsp |
(c) by Stefan Bebbo Franke in 2000-2002, all rights reserved |