BEJY Messageboard > Installation and Configuration > Deploy as normal webapp
Deploy as normal webapp
Posts: 2
22.Dec.2004 16.42.39 TZ+01:00

I ran into this project which seems to fit some of our needs. I think it is great and features IMAP server, which is really interesting. Other similar, and perhaps more popular projects, such as James ( does not support IMAP server at this time.

Are you planning to release a Bejy version deployable as a normal webapp, so other webapp container such as Tomcat can be used?

Posts: 18
22.Dec.2004 22.35.37 TZ+01:00
 Are you planning to release a Bejy version deployable as a normal webapp, so other webapp container such as Tomcat can be used?

BEJY's mail server is not build as a web application, since it has to handle its own protocols (using TCP/IP).

The mail admin JSP pages are usable from a web application, which could also run in some different container. But you have to include BEJY's JAR files - well - and I did not try that yet.

What comes closest to your question: You are able to run Tomcat and BEJY at the same time and e.g. put some HTML-mailer web application into Tomcat (or any other web container).



PS: ... why would someone use Tomcat, if he has BEJY?
Posts: 2
23.Dec.2004 12.18.12 TZ+01:00
Thanks for your answer.

I know it is not build as a webapp, but sume parts such as configuration one yes. My idea was to deploy bejy from another web application, since the idea is to use it as an internat email server for that application.

By the way I have not been able to test IMAP server. I followed the steps, setup the server listening at, and added a user in a test MySQL Database. However I can not connect using this user from Outlook. I also tried IMAP LOGIN command, but I received bad user/password answer from server. It seems that it is not connecting to the Database.

Here is my configuration:

<dns server=""/>
<global javac="javac -g" logFile="*"/>
<group class="" name="admins">
<user name="admin" password="WKzuPqcsgLQ="/>
<group class="" name="mail">
<user name="fer" password="IyEn+rjl0rw="/>
<mail dbiMaxCount="25" dbiThreshold="2" intervallSwitch="12" jdbcDriver="" jdbcUrl="jdbc:mysql://" longIntervall="30" mailDbi="" mailFolder="mail" mainDomain="" maxRetries="60" sendThreads="3" shortIntervall="5"/>
<mime-type extension="gif" type="image/gif"/>
<mime-type extension="exe" type="application/executable"/>
<mime-type extension="html" type="text/html"/>
<server maxThreads="999" maxWait="1" name="admin" port="8081" timeout="120000">
<protocol class="">
<host logFile="*" name="*">
<war group="admins" path="admin" realm="BEJY admin" urlPath="/"/>
<server bindAddr="" maxThreads="999" maxWait="1" name="Servidor IMAP" port="143" timeout="120000">
<protocol class=""/>

Any Ideas? How could I test IMAP server?

Posts: 18
23.Dec.2004 13.46.28 TZ+01:00
 I followed the steps, setup the server listening at, and added a user in a test MySQL Database.

Please verify that the password of your created user in table "mail_user" is not readable as plaintext and password(...) was used.

For MySQL the sql command looks like:
 insert into mail_user (name, domain, passwd) values('pete', '', password('petespassword'));

... I know that the installation process should be improved - workin on it!
