BEJY Messageboard > Installation and Configuration > Running servlets on BEJY
Running servlets on BEJY
Torben Bruun
Posts: 2
15.Jan.2005 17.44.10 TZ+01:00

I've added servlethandlers for my new servlets through the admin interface. Is this enough ?




I'm trying to run servlets on Bejy, without any luck :-)

I'm trying to run WelcomeTest and WelcomeServlet. I just get a white blanck screen, when accessing these 2 servlets. The same thing happens when I add a servlet of my own.
Same thing happens using both Java 1.4.2_06 and Java 1.5.0_01.

I'm looking for a Webserver with a servlet engine, that have a small footprint, and this looks nice by the describtion, but I'm having problems to get it to run.


Torben Bruun
Posts: 18
17.Jan.2005 07.46.07 TZ+01:00
 I've added servlethandlers for my new servlets through the admin interface. Is this enough ?

The question is:

1. do you want to run a web application (with WIB-INF folder and web.xml)
2. or do you want to add servlets to some context.

if 1. is the answer, you should use the war tag:

<server maxThreads="999" maxWait="1" port="80" timeout="120000">
<protocol class="" >
<host logFile="logs/www.mydomain.xy" name="www.mydomain.xy">
<war alias="" urlPath="/" path="/the/path/to/webapp"/>

the servlets are called as specifued in web.xml

if 2. is the answer, you have to add a servlethandler for each servlet to the bejy.xml, because there is no web.xml used:

<server maxThreads="999" maxWait="1" port="80" timeout="120000">
<protocol class="" >
<host logFile="logs/www.mydomain.xy" name="www.mydomain.xy">
<context urlPath="/" path="/the/path/to/webapp">
<handler class="xx.yy.myServlet" mask="/invokeme" />
<handler class="" default="index.html" mask="*"/>

that servlet is used with http://www.mydomain.xy/invokeme

Don't forget to edit the classpath, xx.yy.myServlet must be in BEJY's classpath.

Does this help you out?
